8th October 2021
For immediate release.

Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus is thrilled to be back performing at the prestigious Brighton Dome with their Christmas show – Pull A Cracker. The concert is on 4th December 2021 at 7.30 pm, and the boys promise a festive treat full of traditional Christmas numbers and some sparkly new arrangements. 

Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus chairman Nick Ford said,

We are so excited to bring our signature Christmas production back to the Brighton Dome. With a stocking bulging full of songs, there will be something for everyone! We are always proud to help local charities and this year we are thrilled to support The Sussex Beacon, which provides specialist care and support for people living with HIV in Sussex and beyond. We have seen at first hand the excellent work they do as they have provided end of life care for some of our Chorus friends.’

Executive Director of ‘The Sussex Beacon’ Bill Puddicombe said

We’re delighted that the Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus have chosen The Sussex Beacon to be this year’s charity partner, for the wonderful Pull A Cracker Christmas event. 

After what has been a difficult year or two for many, the joy that the Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus bring into our lives is even more valued.   

At The Sussex Beacon we continue to work hard to support people living with HIV. Funds raised from events such as Pull A Cracker make a huge difference, enabling us to provide vital inpatient care, as well as day support services. 

I would like to extend my personal thanks to everyone involved with Pull A Cracker, as well as our warmest wishes for a peaceful and happy Festive Season ahead.  

The Chorus is under the direction of Chorus Director Joe Paxton, with accompaniment by Music Director Tim Nail. The boys will pull all the stops to get the audience in a Christmassy mood with an unforgettable evening of laughter and song, infused with mirth and merriment as we follow one member through Christmases past and present. Packed full of seasonal favourites such as Silent Night, Carol Of The Bells and O Holy Night with special highlights from Kate Bush, Leona Lewis and Muse, to name just a few.


EVENT: Pull A Cracker with Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus

VENUE: Brighton Dome Concert Hall, Church Street, Brighton BN1 1UE

DATE: Saturday 4th December 2021

TIME: 7.30pm start (Doors 6.45pm)

TICKETS: £10, £12, £17 and £25 from the Brighton Dome Ticket Office on 01273 709 709, via the www.brightondome.org website (booking fees apply) or in person at their Ticket Shop in Church St (no fees).

MORE INFORMATION and link to booking page: https://www.brightongmc.org/pull-a-cracker-2021


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A4 Poster
Nick Ford, BrightonGMC Chair
Nick Ford, BrightonGMC Chair



Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus was established in January 2005 and has about 100 members. It provides a space where people can celebrate music, enjoy the fellowship of other like-minded people and contribute to the local communities it’s a part of.

The Chorus has three guiding principles, their “Three S’s”:

  • Singing – the celebration of life and music through male voice harmonies;
  • Socialising – using this activity to develop social bonds that help people to feel connected with a sometimes lonely world; and
  • Support – to be there for each other – both collectively and individually – when the chips are down, and to be there for the communities in which the chorus operates, too.

The Chorus is a registered charity, no. 1171020, with 3 key charitable objectives:

  1. To promote public education by the study, practice and public performance of choral music; and to assist other charitable causes.
  2. For the public benefit to advance and promote the education of gay and gay-friendly men in Brighton and Hove in the subject of choral music, its study, practice and performance.
  3. The promotion of equality and diversity for the public benefit by the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, in particular but not exclusively by raising public awareness of discrimination towards and issues affecting the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community, and in such other ways as are exclusively charitable as the Trustees may from time to time determine.


PR & Marketing Contact:
Simon Watts
PR & Marketing Co-ordinator

Links to this Press Release

Full Link: https://www.brightongmc.org/press/press-releases/brighton-gay-mens-chorus-returns-to-the-dome-with-their-pull-a-cracker-christmas-concert-supporting-the-sussex-beacon/

Short Link: http://bgmc.me/?p=8013

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