Support us
Want to be part of our success but don’t want to sing? Can’t self-identify as a gay or gay-friendly man? Don’t have the time to attend rehearsals? Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus has a number of opportunities for you to get involved.

Support us and other LGBTQ+ Causes and you could win up to £25,000!
Use the button below and for each £1 ticket you buy we receive 50p, plus 10p goes to other LGBTQ+ causes. You must be 18 or over to play.
Become a sponsor
We currently have two classes of Sponsorship Packages, Individual and Corporate, with a number of levels available, each with their own benefits.
Individual Sponsorship is designed for private individuals, to allow you to show your support in an affordable way.
Corporate Sponsorship helps your company to access the enormous potential of the LGBTQ sector within Brighton and Hove and the surrounding area.
One-off donation
Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus is a registered charity and depends on the generosity of our supporters and members. We welcome donations large and small alike – every penny helps us to continue our work.
If you are a UK taxpayer, there is an option on the checkout screen to allow us to claim from the Treasury an extra 25p on every £1 donated – at no cost to you – via the Gift Aid scheme.
Thank you for your generosity.
Shop online
Start your shop on Amazon with this link and we get a little commission.
It’s the easiest way to help raise money for Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus – all it requires from you is to do what you love to do anyway… SHOP!