After nine fantastic and successful years, Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus is saying farewell to Marc Yarrow. Marc’s tenure with the Chorus, first as Musical Director, then as Artistic Director, started in 2010.
During his time as the musical lead, the Chorus has grown in number and developed in reputation and professionalism. Working with a talented team of professional musicians and a dedicated membership, Marc introduced the Chorus to a wide repertoire, leading us in many successful performances at a wide variety of venues, including the Brighton Dome Concert Hall, Theatre Royal and the London Palladium. And, under Marc’s musical leadership, the Chorus has represented the UK in the international music festival Various Voices in Ireland and in Germany, and won the Manchester Amateur Choral Competition in 2013.
The Trustees of Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude and thanks to Marc for his contribution to the Chorus over the years. We wish Marc the best for his future endeavours, and will follow his career with pride knowing that the Chorus helped him in his formative years.