Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus is overjoyed to announce that our Christmas Raffle has raised the amazing sum of £1,936.61.

The prizes were either donated or heavily subsidised by local businesses, to whom Brighton GMC is hugely grateful. Those businesses include The Co-Op, Marks & Spencer, The Treatment Rooms, The Alvia Hotel, Bill’s, Choccywoccydoodah, The Grand Hotel Spa, Harry Ramsden’s and Costa Coffee. There were 14 prizes in total, and the Grand Prize Draw was held on the evening of Tuesday 17th December at The Brighton Tavern. The list of winners is:

PrizeWinnerTicket Number
42″ flat screen TVGreg Clark1558
£250 Holiday VoucherP Wiltshire308
£200 Treatment RoomsJohannes1174
B&B at Alvia HotelSusan283
£150 Bills Meal VoucherJonathan2285
M&S food hamperMrs Edmans2036
Co Op food hamperDean484
M&S Candle hamperMichael Kerry699
Choccywoccy CakePaul448
M&S 12 piece dinners setColin187
£50 Grand Hotel SpaMr Dobson879
M&S Cutlery & GlassesAlan367
Harry Ramsdens Meal for 2Toni Manuel1285
Costa Goody BagMrs Corke253

The Grand Prize of a 42″ flat screen TV was won by Greg Clark, who lives in Wales. We are delighted to be able to say that the TV has finally made its way to him!

raffle-2013-thumbThe Choccywoccydoodah cake and M&S food hamper were generously donated by the winners to the Sussex Beacon. The photograph shows Brighton GMC’s Chris Sarson (right) presenting them to the Beacon’s Simon Dowe.

There is currently one prize which is unclaimed as the ticket stub only had a partial phone number. This is the M&S Candle hamper won by Michael Kerry. We have tried to trace him via Facebook, but if you know him, please ask him to get in touch!

Brighton GMC would like to thank everyone involved with the Raffle, especially those who gave us their time to sell the tickets at the Pull A Cracker concert at the Brighton Dome on 7th December.

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