16th August 2018
For immediate release.
Join Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus (BrightonGMC) for our new members evening – Tuesday 4 September 2018 at 7:30pm at the Brighton Unitarian Church on New Road, Brighton.
The Chorus is a friendly and diverse group of all ages, from their 20s to their 70s. We provide a fun, creative environment dedicated to singing, socialising and support. We are open to all and all we ask is that you self-identify as male and are LGBTQ friendly.
Led by Artistic Director Marc Yarrow and his team of music professionals, we sing a varied repertoire including pop and musical theatre as well as some classical pieces. We sing in four sections: First Tenor, Second Tenor, Baritone and Bass and we create harmonies up to 8 voices parts. We are always on the lookout for lower ‘Bass’ or higher ‘First Tenor’ singing voices, but all others are welcome too.
Some of our members have previous music experience and some do not. You don’t need to be able to read music to join the Chorus since we provide online recordings of all our songs to help you learn. We are a community choir at heart and you don’t need to pass an audition to join and support is provided to help less-experienced singers find their voice.
We asked some of our recent new members about their experience of joining the Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus and they told us:
Since joining BrightonGMC I’ve felt more connected with my community, more confident in myself as a gay man and just had a tremendously enjoyable time.
Joining the BrightonGMC has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made – great social circle, and excellent musical and vocal training from our well-respected music team. A respectful, safe and cheerful space and well-loved and spoken of in the public sphere. BrightonGMC is an experience worth having.
I’d been looking to join a choir for some time and it’s been a fantastic experience so far – 3 memorable concerts – all quite different – and a performance on the fabulous BrightonGMC float at Pride. Unforgettable so far, for sure!
For more information and to register your interest in coming to our new members evening or later in September, please contact Chris, our membership co-ordinator, membership@brightongmc.org.
Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus was established in January 2005 and has about 100 members. It provides a space where people can celebrate music, enjoy the fellowship of other like-minded people and contribute to the local communities it’s a part of.
The Chorus has three guiding principles, their “Three S’s”:
- Singing – the celebration of life and music through male voice harmonies;
- Socialising – using this activity to develop social bonds that help people to feel connected with a sometimes lonely world; and
- Support – to be there for each other – both collectively and individually – when the chips are down, and to be there for the communities in which the chorus operates, too.
The Chorus is a registered charity, no. 1171020, with 3 key charitable objectives:
- To promote public education by the study, practice and public performance of choral music; and to assist other charitable causes.
- For the public benefit to advance and promote the education of gay and gay-friendly men in Brighton and Hove in the subject of choral music, its study, practice and performance.
- The promotion of equality and diversity for the public benefit by the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, in particular but not exclusively by raising public awareness of discrimination towards and issues affecting the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community, and in such other ways as are exclusively charitable as the Trustees may from time to time determine.
PR & Marketing Contact:
Simon Watts
PR & Marketing Co-ordinator
Links to this Press Release
Short Link: http://bgmc.me/?p=4461