19th June 2012
For immediate release.
Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus raised nearly £425 for its nominated charity, Brighton and Hove LGBT Switchboard at their Brighton Fringe Festival show entitled Guilty Treasures on May 3rd.
Mark Elsworth, lead trustee of Switchboard said ‘We are delighted with the generosity of everyone who attended and gave so generously to Switchboard. With their help we will be able to continue to provide much needed services to LGBT people across Brighton and Hove. We look forward to future collaborations with the Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus and would like to thank them for their support during the Fringe Festival.
The picture shows Chorus member Andrew Farr receiving a prize of dinner for two at Temptations café on Gardener St from café owner Peter Allinson. Andrew won the prize by selling the most tickets to the Guilty Treasures show out of all the Chorus members.
Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus are now in rehearsal for their seventh summer show entitled SEVEN YEAR ITCH: NO RASH DECISIONS which is to be performed on both 3rd and 4th August at St George’s Church in Kemp Town. Doors open 7pm for 8pm start and tickets costing £12 (£10 conc) are available via their website www.brightongmc.org.
Funds are being raised during their summer show for Shine Theatre Trust, a local charity set up to provide a home for and support inclusive theatre in Sussex and is aimed primarily at young people. More info is available at www.shinetheatretrust.org.
About Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus
Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus was first established in 2005 and is now a registered charity no. 1137437.
The Chorus has around 65 members and works by its three principals of Singing, Socialising and Support. The Chorus stages at least three main shows a year; usually during the Fringe Festival, Brighton Pride and at Christmas. Their “Pull A Cracker” Christmas show is due to take place on 15 December 2012 at the Brighton Dome.
The Chorus also supports a number of local charity and community events throughout the year.
Latest news, press releases and images are available in the “Press Office” section of the Chorus website www.brightongmc.org
About Brighton and Hove LGBT Switchboard
If you wish to know more about Brighton and Hove LGBT Switchboard then please visit their website at www.switchboard.org.uk
About Shine Theatre Trust
More info is available at www.shinetheatretrust.org